Quantum Core

A high-end, medium-sized plot combine

TheQuantum Coreis the very foundation of the high-end Quantum product line from WINTERSTEIGER. It was developed with a view to mastering the increasingly demanding challenges of modern field trials. TheQuantum Core plot combine makesthe innovative technology accessible to customers on a smaller budget.Its features ensure a streamlined yet powerful plot combine solution. The standard functions make for improved user-friendliness, a higher throughput, and optimized crop logistics 

The possible applications range from nurseries to yield trials. The machine has an innovative design, which includes an ergonomic cabin with insulation, a powerful engine, and the OptiFloww threshing unit. Together, these features ensure the purity of the samples and the best possible results. In addition, an optional weighing and sampling system can be installed. 

Your benefits

Ergonomic, low-noise, TOPS-certified cabin with 8.7 kW air-conditioning system 
Intuitive driver assistance system with fully automatic sequence control (header cleaning, weighing cycle confirmation, cleaning blower at maximum speed) 
State-of-the-art monitoring system featuring self-diagnostics and a remote access module for fast troubleshooting 
Modern visualization concept, with all machine parameters shown on a single color display 
Stop-and-go software option 
A powerful machine for breeding and crop variety trials thanks to the DEUTZ 2.9 l water-cooled 4-cylinder diesel engine with an output of 55 kW (75 HP) 
Various drive options for perfect traction (permanent 4WD, permanent 4WD with longitudinal and transverse differential lock) 
Headers with OptiFloww technology for maximum performance 
Powerful crop logistics 

Quantum Core Transport logistics for high-performance crop analysis

1. Upward transport of the harvested material from the cleaning sieve box
2. Grain separation airfoil separator
3. Weighing system
4. Intermediate tank, side mounted bagging
5. Pneumatic transport of harvested material
6. Transport to the grain tank
7. Transport to the sampler
8. Sampler
Separation of grain and air via innovative airfoil separator

Separation of grain and air via innovative airfoil separator

An efficient means of separating the air from the grain is key to the downstream process steps. Designed to save space, the patented airfoil separator makes the separation process gentle, fast, and reliable. This innovative principle avoids circulating grain and a downward airflow, which could influence the weighing results. The same principle is also used in the separator for the sampler in the cabin. 

Grain tank

The grain tank is a standard option and comes in two different sizes with a capacity of 700 or 1,100 liters. It is installed in the center section of the machine between the front and rear axles to ensure even weight distribution. A flap in the bottom allows for easy cleaning of the tank. A compressed air connection is also installed next to the upper grain tank door and can be used for a compressed air nozzle to simplify cleaning. 

Performance features of the grain tank: 

  • Electronic level indicator and window to the cabin 

  • Fast unloading speed for emptying the entire tank in less than 2 minutes 

  • Hydraulic, folding unloading auger with an overhead loading height of 3.2 m, optionally 4.2 m 

  • Easy cleaning for seed multiplication and basic seed harvest 

Sampling in the cabin

Sampling is performed in the cabin as per the sample definition. The operator presses a button to start the process. An optional foot switch is also available to keep both hands free for sampling.The sampling system is dust-free, so the cabin does not become contaminated.If the harvested seeds amount to less than 20 liters, the system can be used to bag the entire plot in the cabin. Sampler

performance features: 

  • Ergonomic sample outlets on rear of cabin Designed for operation by one or two people 

  • Monitored sampling system: The system stops when the next sample is ready and the previous sample has not yet been taken. 

  • Continuously adjustable sample volume up to 20 kg with an accuracy of 5 % 

Sample storage

The sample storage integrated between the cabin and the grain tank is an innovative and handy solution. This feature increases the efficiency of the Quantum Core enormously without impacting the machine width and stability. 

After bagging, the operator puts the samples into a standard box, which is conveniently placed on a storage table. The recommended box from WINTERSTEIGER is available in the dimensions 400 x 300 x 210 mm. After filling the box, the operator opens a pneumatically operated sliding door in the rear of the cabin, and deposits the box on a conveyor belt located behind it. The conveyor belt can hold a total of five standard boxes. When the conveyor belt is full, the outer side door with rollers is opened and folded down so that the boxes can be taken off one by one via the conveyor belt. 

The Quantum Core sample storage can also accommodate boxes of different sizes, provided they are no wider than 400 mm and no higher than 220 mm. Filled bags used in the bagging process can also be stored here instead of boxes. The bags are deposited directly on the conveyor belt, and the loading and removal process is the same as when using boxes. 

Performance features: 

  • 560 l storage volume 
  • Space for 5 boxes (300 x 400 x 210 mm) 
  • Electric conveyor belt system for loading and unloading 
  • No protruding parts on the sides that would impair the transport width 

Optional extras for a custom plot combine

Straw chopper for even distribution of straw
Grain flow monitoring for optimized cycle times
Rear-view camera system integrated into the main screen of the combine
System with several cameras for tracking grain as it passes through the machine
LED working lights on all sides, including the back
Folding safety rail on roof of the machine
Additional compressed air tank

The Quantum family by WINTERSTEIGER


Quantum family of combines consists of three models in a modular design. Designed with user needs in mind, the plot combines set new standards in terms of throughput, user-friendliness, and crop logistics. 

The Quantum Core – a mid-size, high-end plot combine – completes the range, meaning that we have the right machine for all plot sizes and budgets. Like its predecessors, the Quantum Plus and Quantum Pro, the Quantum Core can be adapted to suit your individual requirements. 

More WINTERSTEIGER products for innovative plant breeding

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