Laboratory threshers by WINTERSTEIGER: Proven threshing technology for your seed


has been developing laboratory threshers for more than70 years. With a proven track record in thousands of applications over the years, our threshing technology is used around the globe – and for an equally wide range of crops. Whether cereals, peas, or fine-grained seeds such as clover, grass, flower seed, as well as fine vegetable seed, our laboratory threshers are suitable for threshing individual plants or bundles of ears. 


What makes our laboratory threshers so popular? For one, they are easy to use and clean. The machines are fast and very gentle on the grain during threshing – without grain breakage or loss and, above all, without mixing! A transparent pane gives you a clear advantage by letting you keep a close eye on the threshing process. 

Laboratory threshers in the WINTERSTEIGER range

There are three high-performance models of laboratory thresher in the WINTERSTEIGER product portfolio. Furthermore, the various optional features allow you to configure a machine that fits your needs perfectly.