W1 – W1 Plus

Unrivaled precision and speed during weight and moisture measurement

The W1 and W1 Plus weighing systems from HarvestMaster allow precise weight measurements in an instant. The W1 Plus also measures the amount of moisture in the harvested material. Both of these compact and affordable systems have been specially designed for use on the WINTERSTEIGER Classic Plus and Quantum plot combines.

Technical information


38 x 46 x 48 cm 


Up to 30.5 l 

Weighing accuracy 

+/- 45 g

Moisture measurement 

Accuracy of up to +/- 1 % 




 °C Up to 50 °C 

W1 and W1 Plus weighing systems: The advantages at a glance

Unrivaled precision and speed during weight and moisture measurement: The new W1 and W1 Plus weighing systems are optimized for use with the WINTERSTEIGER Easy Harvest or HarvestMaster Mirus™ software. 
Compact and cost-effective: The weighing system is based on unique measuring and grain handling technology and is designed for installation on the Classic Plus, Classic ST, and Quantum plot combines. The system is suitable for all common crop types.

Compact, lightweight housing
Open hopper design for fast transport of grain
Weight and moisture data* are recorded at the same time, allowing you to move on to the next plot even faster.
Measurement results are nearly identical to those of stationary weighing systems thanks to slope and motion sensors that reduce errors caused by vibrations and movements
Measurement triggered at the touch of a button

* Moisture measurement only available for W1 Plus. System accuracy isdependent on correct calibration and configuration as per HarvestMaster recommendations. Theminimum volume is 1 liter for small grains and 1.5 liters for large grains. 

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