15 new apprentices at WINTERSTEIGER

In August, 15 young people started their careers at WINTERSTEIGER AG in Ried, where they are trained in the 5 apprenticeships for electrical engineering, metal technology, construction, office management and IT technology.
In the coming years the apprentices will receive top training, which includes external seminars under the motto "Personalities in Development" in addition to technical training. Contents are teamwork, presentation techniques, self- and project management and much more.
In addition, WINTERSTEIGER supports apprenticeships with high school diploma – apprentices can start from the 2nd year of apprenticeship. WINTERSTEIGER apprentices become mobile in their 3rd year or at the age of 18 respectively: They may accompany experienced service technicians on assignments abroad. At the end of the apprenticeship, there are several months of project work, where apprentices develop a machine or a project that is used in production at WINTERSTEIGER. This project runs through the entire product development process and is finally presented to the Management Board, the foremen and managers.
The fact that the training at WINTERSTEIGER is of a high standard is demonstrated by the success of the final apprenticeship examinations. CEO Florestan von Boxberg is proud of the new generation and confirms: "More than 30 % of our apprentices have completed their apprenticeships with excellent success over the past 10 years". With around 50 apprentices, WINTERSTEIGER is one of the largest training companies in the region.