WINTERSTEIGER continues to grow

In 2018, the WINTERSTEIGER Group turned over more than EUR 160 million for the first time in its 65-year history.
“When adjusted for currency fluctuations, turnover rose by approximately 6 % in 2018, meaning that we grew almost twice as fast as the global economy,” says CEO Florestan von Boxberg. CFO Harold Kostka is very pleased with the EBITDA margin: “We have been able to achieve a strong increase in the operating profit of approximately 10 % over the past year, yet again meeting our requirements for profitable growth.”
SPORTS, the biggest business field in the Group, played a significant role in this positive trend. For the fourth year in a row, the business field managed to achieve expand at a rate significantly above that of the rest of the market. SPORTS turned over almost EUR 70 million, an increase of 10 % on the previous year. The METALS business field and its German subsidiary Kohler GmbH also showed excellent growth.
Recruitment was also significantly stepped up over 2018. "Despite there being almost full employment in the wider economy, we have recruited a total of 88 new employees and are therefore perfectly placed to continue to pursue our ambitious growth targets," says Chief Financial Officer Kostka. At the beginning of 2019, WINTERSTEIGER recruited its 1000th employee.
WINTERSTEIGER also acquired two new companies in 2019. The Bavarian company SERRA Maschinenbau GmbH is the newest member of the WOODTECH family and will help the Group to strengthen its position in the sawmill market. By becoming the majority shareholder in the British company TRIALS Equipment Ltd., SEEDMECH has secured direct access to a significant number of customers in the UK. “Both corporate acquisitions fit perfectly within the WINTERSTEIGER Group, both in terms of supporting our global leadership position in our niche markets and in terms of the company culture,” says Boxberg, who is confident that turnover will continue to grow in 2019 as well. The CEO points to the fact that the order books are filling up nicely, in particular for plant engineering in the METALS business field.