WINTERSTEIGER donates to children’s shelter in Ried

This year, WINTERSTEIGER AG are presenting their Christmas donation of 5,000 euros to the non-profit organization “Rieder Kinder- und Jugendschutzhaus – RIKI”. Instead of distributing gifts to their customers at Christmas, WINTERSTEIGER makes an annual donation to one of the social institutions in the Ried district.
RIKI has been running for 3 years and is a shelter for children and young people struggling with family problems, neglect, mistreatment and abuse, and those requiring psychological counseling. RIKI puts the young people affected into contact with expert psychotherapists, psychologists and legal representatives. Since its establishment in 2014, 1,600 advisory sessions have been held – 20 % of these on a voluntary basis.
The non-profit organization is financed through donations from service clubs, businesses in Ried, and Ried city council. Due to increasing demand for advice and therapy services, the organization’s resources are always under strain. The organization’s chief, Elisabeth Vormayr, is therefore planning to use our donation to help with the running of services. “Our management board works on a voluntary basis and we don’t pay any rent. That means that every euro can go towards advice and therapy,” explains Elisabeth Vormayr. The WINTERSTEIGER donation ensures that 10 children and young people can receive the counseling they need for the next year.
Ms Vormayr has also extended an invitation to a concert given by the famous Bolschoi Don Kosaken on December 21, 2017, at 19:30 in the parish church in Ried. The proceeds of the event will be going to RIKI.