Invitation to take part in photograph competition
Once again this year, we cordially invite you to send us photos of your machines - and for the first time, you also have the opportunity to take part with a video!
The best shots will be presented in the SEEDMECH calendar 2026, on our Linkedin channel and on our website.
As a little bit of inspiration to help you on your way, here are some suggested themes:
- An exciting perspective: Present your machine from its best side
- As many machines at work in the field at the same time as possible
- "People and machines": Working in harmony
The winning photo will win the team a barbecue to the value of €1,500.
Submission details
Photos must be submitted in print quality and videos in 4K resolution (3840 x 2160 pixels) and in 16:9 format (= landscape). If you submit a video, we can take a still from it for the photo competition. Even better, submit both - photo and video!
- File formats photos: jpg, tif, eps
- Video file formats 4K resolution (3840 x 2160 pixels), aspect ratio 16:9 (= landscape format)
- By e-mail to:
- Please send large files by WeTransfer:
Submission deadline: July 11, 2025
All WINTERSTEIGER customers are entitled to take part. By submitting a photo or video, you thereby give permission for its further use, for example in publications. We will be happy to give a photo credit.
We are looking forward to seeing your pictures and videos!