Using Easy Breed for a successful start to the new season
Now you can import planned trials into Easy Breed, making it easy to integrate incoming data
Documentation of trial planning and planting form the basis for a successful season. Easy Breed supports your trial planning—randomized and non-randomized trials can be created in just a few clicks.
If you've already planned your trials, then our new import format is an easy way to import them.
Then you can easily get going with creating field logs, user-specific export lists with features such as QR codes, integrating rating data with just a click, exporting harvest lists, integrating harvest data, and so much more. All the steps and documented data are integrated in the Easy Breed database. Say goodbye to the time-consuming, error-prone consolidation of data across different systems!
Data analysis is also a breeze: Easy Breed offers a number of visualization and analysis functions. The interface to R offers even more flexibility, enabling you to integrate your own R functions into Easy Breed.
Here's another opportunity to trial Easy Breed free of charge for 30 days, and get to know the basic functions of the software in two free training units.
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