New company name, new address, new bank details from July 1, 2023


In order to be ready to meet future challenges, WINTERSTEIGER is being restructured as a strategic holding with five independent limited companies.



The transformation of the SEEDMECH Division into a limited liability company is associated with a number of formal changes:

  • New company name: WINTERSTEIGER Seedmech GmbH
  • New companies' register number: FN 593436 a
  • New VAT ID number: ATU78796849
  • New bank account details: UniCredit Bank Austria AG,
  • IBAN: AT32 1200 0100 3908 3273, BIC: BKAUATWW

Please note that these changes apply from July 1, 2023, and from this time all payment transactions will take place solely through the new account. This also applies to invoices issued prior to this date.

IMPORTANT: WINTERSTEIGER will only inform you of relevant business changes (in particular, new account details) by post and never by e-mail. Should you receive an e-mail containing this type of information, it will not be from us and could be a phishing e-mail.



New address.

The new company address is a source of great pleasure and pride for us. Johann-Michael-Dimmel-Strasse 9 has been renamed "Wintersteigerstrasse 1":



Wintersteigerstrasse 1

4910 Ried im Innkreis



The telephone number, e-mail, and website address are unchanged, and you will still have the same account manager.


We will continue to develop innovative, high quality products & services for your benefit, and will now be able to bring even more focus to understanding and responding to your needs. We look forward to continuing to work with you in future. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about these changes.


We look forward to continuing to work with you and many future joint successes!